Film Film Database

Atlas ptáků

Director : Olmo Omerzu
Production year : 2021
Nationality : Czech Republic
Other country (ies) : Slovenia
Atlas ptáků

This movie is the favourite of


Olmo Omerzu's film Bird Atlas is based on convincing acting and a gentle irony that reminds us that sometimes we need to lose face in the eyes of others. The film interlaces comedy and drama in a compelling way. The best way to describe the movie's message is to quote the 'bird chorus' that comments philosophically the protagonist's actions in the film: "Real wealth is physical health!".

Release Dates

Country Release date Local title
Slovak Republic 2022/04/14 Atlas vtákov
Slovenia 2021/11/18 Atlas ptic
Germany 2021/11/17 BIRD ATLAS
Czech Republic Atlas ptáků
United Kingdom Bird Atlas

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