Connecting Cinemas
In 2019, the European Commission launched a call for proposals entitled “Cinemas as innovation hubs for local communities”, aiming to support, via the MEDIA programme, innovative cultural hubs projects developed around cinemas, in particular in areas where cinematographic and cultural infrastructures and therefore supply of cultural goods and services are limited.

The Neue Kammerspiele cinema in Kleinmachnow, member of Europa Cinemas since 2017, joined forces with several European structures to submit a project, under the leadership of its operator Valeska Hanel and CEO Carolin Huder in cooperation with Susa Pop of Public Art Lab Berlin (a Berlin based action research lab and platform for urban media). Thus they won the call alongside with the Fortress of Culture Sibenik (Croatia), Cinema Amza Pellea (Romania), Cinema Star in Veria (Greece, also member of the Europa Cinemas Network), M2C Bremen (Applied Media Research Institute, Germany), University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam (Netherlands), and KEA European Affairs (an international policy design research centre specialised in culture and creative industries as well as sport, education and youth in Belgium).
The project, Connecting Cinemas, is a pilot project aiming at promoting European cinemas by connecting audiences and cinemas in rural areas of Europe and establishing a network to share live events, programmes and knowledge.
After the organisation of several Labs, hosted by the partner cinemas and visible live on the internet, and a Movie Quizz in November 2020, a new joint project has emerged: ON THE WAY TO MY CINEMA, which invites moviegoers to make a one-minute video to share the path that leads to their favorite cinema, in a context where the coronavirus pandemic is visibly affecting public places. We let you discover the presentation of the project and the terms of participation:
“The Covid-19 pandemic affects us all. The cinemas are closing again. The news is full of facts and figures about the Covid-19 development. But what does it mean for our daily life? How do our European neighbours feel and experience the lockdown and times of Covid-19? How can we glance through the fence and participate in the daily life of our neighbours with the audio-visual narrative of film and cinema making?
ON THE WAY TO MY CINEMA invites you to show us the way to your favorite cinema.
Imagine your cinema is still open – which film would you like to see?
Which cafe would you go to with your friends before a night at the movies and where would you go then to enjoy the aftermath of the shared experience of movie watching?
Drift with us through your neighbourhood and shoot a one-minute film with your smartphone to give us a glimpse of a moment how your daily routines have changed in the last months. Share your video with us on the CONNECTING CINEMAS platform and you will see that you are not alone navigating through the jungle of invisible borders in our neighbourhoods in these pandemic times.
ON THE WAY TO MY CINEMA is a participatory Europe-wide cinema campaign of the changing multiple perspectives of our daily life during a walk to our favourite cinema in these pandemic times.
You can all participate. Just send your video to
FORMAT of the video film 1080p | MP4 | Landscape | length: 1 minute | free of rights of third parties | recorded with your smart phone.”
Fortress of Culture, Sibenik