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GRINDHOUSE (The New European Genre Cinema is Coming) Selection 2022
Italy, Slovenia
Project Coordinator
Kosovelov dom Sežana, Sezana - Mestni kino Domzale, Domzale - Cinema Classico, Turin - Kino Union, Celje - Cinema Ariston, Trieste - Cinema Stensen, Florence - Cinemazero, Pordenone - Kinemax Gorizia, Gorizia
The project "GRINDHOUSE - The New European Genre Cinema is Coming" was born from the observation that genre cinema is relatively little offered in the arthouse cinema circuit, despite an important European production of genre cinema, generally watched by a very attentive young demographic.
The project thus foresees the circulation of a selection of films representative of recent European genre film production among the participating theaters. The selected titles are either films that already have a local theatrical distribution, films that have a local distributor not interested in a theatrical release, or even films that do not have a distributor in the country, and which, in this case, are acquired for the duration of the project, subtitled and screened by the participating theaters.
Furthermore, in order to expand the circulation of these films, the project aims to make these titles available as video-on-demand content, through collaboration with the MYmovies ONE digital platform.
A group of national and international critics and experts are involved in both the selection of titles and the presentations of each screening. In fact, each screening is followed by meetings with filmmakers or other professionals, masterclasses and other initiatives with guests.
Finally, in order to encourage the formation of a community of viewers linked to the project, the screenings that will take place throughout the year will be presented in the form of a contest in which the spectators of the screenings are invited to vote for each film selected and screened in each cinema.