Our Activities

Our Activities Exchanges and Trainings



NEXT/CHANGE is Europa Cinemas’ support scheme for exhibitors, which allows exchanges of knowledge and best practices for one exhibitor or larger groups.


Launched in 2016, the main objectives of this initiative are to:

  • Enable exhibitors to travel abroad and experience first-hand new working practices in other network cinemas to improve their own skills and expertise
  • Increase the competitiveness of their cinemas and improve the staff skills.
  • Develop Europe-wide synergies and exchanges.

Next/Change was enhanced in 2024, by extending the programme to cover exchanges for larger groups of network members.

How does Next/Change work?

This support is eligible for exhibitors whose cinemas are members of the Europa Cinemas network under the MEDIA programme.

Next/Change programme aims to support travelling projects that have a clear theme and fixed objectives for their exchange. The themes can revolve around:

  • Programming
  • Brand development
  • Social media and communications
  • Developing new audiences
  • Young audiences and film education
  • Loyalty programmes
  • Business and customer relationship management
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Improved management and team building
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Audience data collection, analysis and use
  • Marketing strategies
  • Events and festivals
  • Spaces and design

This list is not meant to be exhaustive; other subjects are welcome, provided they respond to a recognised specific need.

Exchange projects for 1 to 2 people:

  • The host cinema(s) has to be part of the Europa Cinemas network and be in another European country than the applicant cinema. Before applying, the applicant has to contact the host exhibitor to make sure they can welcome the participants.
  • Maximum 2 participants (occupying different positions) of the same exhibition company can take part in the same exchange.
  • The participants must send a report after the event, based on instructions given by Europa Cinemas.

Exchange projects for larger groups:

  • The group must name a Coordinator, who will be travelling with them, be in charge of applying, and organise the exchange.
  • The destination needs to be in another European country than the participants’ cinemas. The travel plan must contain visits of Europa Cinemas network cinemas. The minimum number of cinemas to visit will depend on the length of the stay, but needs to be at least 2 cinemas. Before applying, the applicant has to contact the host exhibitor to make sure they can welcome the participants.
  • Minimum group accepted: 4 participants from at least 2 separate exhibition companies.
  • Maximum group accepted: 10 participants, maximum 2 participants by cinema and a minimum of 2 exhibition companies.
  • The coordinator must send a report after the event, based on questionnaire given by Europa Cinemas.
What does Europa Cinemas financial support cover?

Europa Cinemas will cover part of the travel and accommodation expenses:

  • Travel: max 50% in the limit of 200 € per person
  • Accommodation expenses: max 50% in the limit of 100€/night for 5 nights maximum
  • The number of nights taken into account will depend on the size and type of the travel plan.

An exhibition company can benefit fro, this support only once per year.

The payment will be made only after reception and examination of eligible invoices and completion of the reporting.

For the groups, the payment will be made to the Coordinator, not to individual participants.

How to apply?

Exchange projects for 1 to 2 people:

  • Each participant has to submit an application including objectives, expected results and a travel schedule.
  • All applications must be received at least 4 weeks prior the exchange is planned to take place.

Exchange projects for larger groups:

  • The coordinator has to submit one application including details of the participants, objectives, expected results and a travel schedule.
  • The application must be received at least 8 weeks prior the exchange is planned to take place.

Next/Change is a rolling program throughout the calendar year, which can be accessed until the fund limit has been reached. The support is allocated on a first come first serve basis, given that the application meets the criteria stated above. Each application will be reviewed, and a decision will be communicated to the applicant by email.

If you want to apply but do not know which cinema(s) to visit, please contact us specifying the areas you would like to develop. We will be able to match you up with cinemas according to your profile.


Application form exchange projects for 1 to 2 people 

Application form exchange projects for larger groups 


Read the reports of the previous exchanges


For further information about this initiative please do not hesitate to contact:

Adrian Preda, Project coordinator

Tel. +33 1 42 71 87 68, e-mail: apreda at europa-cinemas.org

Miila Norros, Project coordinator

Tel. +33 1 42 71 53 70; e-mail: mnorros at europa-cinemas.org