Film Film Database

Darwin's Nightmare

Director : Hubert Sauper
Production year : 2004
Nationality : Austria
Other country (ies) : Belgium, France

The shores of the world’s largest tropical lake, considered to be the cradle of humanity, are today the stage of globalization’s worst nightmare. During the sixties, the Nile perch, a voracious predator, was introduced into Lake Victoria, in Tanzania, as a scientific experiment. Since then, practically all the lake’s indigenous fish have been wiped out. A lucrative industry was born of this ecological disaster, for the white flesh of this enormous fish is successfully exported throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Fishermen, politicians, Russian pilots, prostitutes, industrialists and European commissioners are all actors in this drama that extends beyond the borders of this African country. Huge cargo planes from the former Soviet Union create a constant ballet in the sky above the lake, thereby also opening doors to the South for another business: arms trading.

Darwin's Nightmare
Europa Cinemas Label

Release Dates

Country Release date Local title
Czech Republic 2006/03/09 Darwinova nocni mura
Italy 2006/03/03 L'incubo di Darwin
Hungary 2006/01/26 Darwin's Nightmare
Portugal 2005/12/29 O pesadelo de Darwin
Sweden 2005/11/18 Darwins mardröm
Denmark 2005/11/18 Darwin's Nightmare
Switzerland 2005/11/03 Darwin's Nightmare
Greece 2005/09/22 O Efialtis tou Darvinou
Netherlands 2005/09/01 Darwin's Nightmare
Spain 2005/07/01 La pesadilla de Darwin
Belgium 2005/03/23
Germany 2005/03/17 Darwin's Alptraum
France 2005/03/09 Le cauchemar de Darwin
Austria 2005/01/21 Darwin's Nightmare
Europe Darwin's Nightmare
Finland Darwinin painajainen
Poland Koszmar Darwina
Argentina La Pesadilla de Darwin

Circulation of the film in the network until 2023

330 Number of cinemas
29 Number of countries

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